The World Drum

The World Drum Project is based on a Shamanic worldview.
It is supposed to be a wake-up call for humans. It is not the only wake-up call. There are many wonderful initiatives, based on vastly diverging world-views and ideologies.
Shamanism is not an ideology for me. It is a practice.
It simply happens all the time.
The World is Alive. It is animated. Everything is alive and all the animated objects are capable of communicating with those who are willing to listen/see/open up.
This drum is alive and the Dream behind the Drum is alive as well.
The Drum goes from hand to hand, from human to human. And every human that beats it adds strength to the Heart-Beat of this Dream, to the Heart-Beat of Mother Earth and to the Heart-Beat of a greener and more peaceful planet.
This is my vision, simply put, of what the Drum is and does and what it can do: to Unite us all, to help us to heal ourselves and give us courage to stand firm in the face of the Big Trouble that lies ahead.
In my vision, humanity has to go further that economic change, than social reconstruction and introducing new innovative (green) technology.
A total and complete change of mind has to take place: we need to find back our place here on this planet. To restore our relationship with our Greater Parent: Mother Earth, and with our brothers and sisters, all that walks and swims and flies and grows and flows.
If not none of the changes will have any long lasting effect and we will continue to glide from crisis to crisis.
The Drum is one of the ways to bring back this connection.
It can bring us awareness of ourselves, our situation and of the spiritual power of nature.
Above all it unites us through the barriers of nationality, gender, race and the barriers of ideology and favored religion, since it is a project open to anyone and from whatever spiritual tradition.
to see the world drum website:

The journey so far. From the start in Norway via Sweden, New Zealand, Hawai and US. From Oct 21. 2006 to Oct 2007:
World Drum Ceremonies at the Metis Heritage Celebration June 28-29, 2008:
Greywolf with the World Drum at Beltaine ceremony on Dragon Hill, UK, April 26th 2008 :